A Cloth Merchant

My Haberdashery in Cross Stitch
My Haberdashery in Cross Stitch
My Haberdashery in Cross Stitch
My Haberdashery in Cross Stitch
My Haberdashery in Cross Stitch
My Haberdashery in Cross Stitch
My Haberdashery in Cross Stitch

My Haberdashery in Cross Stitch

Regular price $ 36.00
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Ma Mercerie au Point de Croix, by Marie-Anne Réthoret-Mélin, ©Libella, Paris, 2012

A delightfully vintage book, which captures the arts of garment sewing, handwork and patchwork in cross stitch motifs.

Rediscover the atmosphere of the haberdashery, where all the traditional supplies for embroiderers and seamstresses mingle. Presented like the old illustrated catalogs of ladies' books, each page of patterns seems to be taken from one of these catalogs to form a very beautiful graphic universe.

** Written in French, but projects and patterns are decipherable through excellent photography and colorful cross stitch charts. All patterns specify DMC 6-strand (No. 25) floss colors. **

Number of pages: 119

Format: 250 X 289 mm

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