A Cloth Merchant

Felted Sky : Felter's Fleece Textured Wool Batting
Felted Sky : Felter's Fleece Textured Wool Batting
Felted Sky : Felter's Fleece Textured Wool Batting
Felted Sky : Felter's Fleece Textured Wool Batting
Felted Sky : Felter's Fleece Textured Wool Batting
Felted Sky : Felter's Fleece Textured Wool Batting

Felted Sky : Felter's Fleece Textured Wool Batting

Regular price $6.00
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This is a beautiful and fluffy needle felting wool that comes in in gorgeous colors. It has a bit of texture to it, and almost all of the shades are heathered, with flecks of other colors running through them. We use this wool in many of our needle felting kits. It is particularly suited to becoming plants, trees, and little animals.

Milled in New Hampshire with Merino-Suffolk Cross wool from New Zealand and Australia.

This fiber also wet felts well, yielding a durable felt that holds it shape well for bags, slippers and vessels.

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