A Cloth Merchant

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An Inspired Advent : Day 6

Debbie Classes Fabric Merchant & Mills scarf Sequins

My sister is one of my favorite people to make gifts for. She’s always so happy to receive something handmade, and she can appreciate the time and effort that went in to its creation. And if she doesn’t like it, she at least pretends to. Sometimes, just the fact that I made something for her is enough.

So, I hope you’re not scarfed out, because I’ve got another one to share!

sequin scarf 2

We love to make these scarves because they are so versatile… not to mention they are so incredible easy to make! And the variations one can come up with are endless. My sister lives in a warmer climate (I’m a little jealous), so our original furry/flannely infinity scarf would get almost no wear. I decided to glam one up for her, I think she’s really going to like it.

On one side I paired our sequinned netting with a Merchant & Mills Khadi cotton block print, and used a solid Michael Miller cotton for the reverse. I wanted something lightweight, so this combination is perfect. Originally, I was going to use the sequins for a whole side, but that would have been too scratchy I think. Instead, the sequin netting is appliqued to the block print.

sequing scarf 4

The sequin netting is cut the same width as the scarf, and the top and bottom raw edges are folded under. Since the sides will be caught in the seam allowance, I didn’t bother turning those under. It probably would have been less stressful to stitch the netting down by hand, but as you can see, I bullied on and used a machine. The needle only broke once.

sequing scarf3

Proper sequin etiquette calls for removing all sequins from the seam allowance, but… I didn’t. I used a 3mm stitch, and sewed veeerrrrrrry sloooowwwwly.

The, I went along as usual to finish the scarf.

sequin scarf1

Here she is! We hope to see you Wednesday, December 10th at 6pm for our scarf class!

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